You can then proceed to connect to the internet using iwctl.
Try forcing a switch to the (non-free, but much more reliable) wl module by blacklisting any potentially interfering modules: rmmod b43 bcma ssb wl modprobe wl and then check if the wireless connection is now showing up when doing ip link. As mentioned on Broadcom wireless#Installation, the BCM4331 chipset used on 8,2 has issues with the b43 module and if the bcma or bcma-pci-bridge is the module loaded, you need to switch it. In that case, check what kernel module is being used, by running lspci -v and look for the Network controller called BCM4331. Note: For 8,2 (potentially for 8,1 and 8,3 as well) be aware that you might find that ip link does not show the wireless network card.